Silo School is accredited through the Advanc-Ed. What does that mean?
It means that we follow the standards set by the Advanc-Ed to insure that Silo School is constantly improving. Advanc-Ed is our school improvement plan. Advanc-Ed is our Roadmap to Excellence. It shows where we are, where we want to be, and how we get there. Our vision statement is Silo Public Schools, Simply Excellent!
Schools benefit through objective peer reviews from other schools, an attainment of high standards, and an involvement in continuous improvement.
Advanc-Ed provides: (1) a mark of quality recognized internationally.
(2) proven, clear processes for school improvement.
(3) professional opportunities for teachers.
(4) easy transfer of credits from one accredited school to another
(5) benefits for students applying for federal grants and scholarships,
admission to military academies, colleges and universities.
just to name a few benifits.
Accreditation also assures parents, the business community, and the public that Silo School is committed to raising student achievement.
Advanc-Ed has a list of five standards (or guidelines) to follow for school improvement. Each standard has a list of evidences or things that can be done to meet that standard. The school is to do a self-evaluation to see if it is doing any of these evidences for each standard.