Posted Date: 03/12/2025
The Silo Beta Club had a great time competing at the 2025 State Beta Convention, March 10th & 11th, 2025. Denver McBride won state Vice President, and the club won second place for campaign skit.
Kaysen Hobbie, Lewis Cross, Abigail Cordell, and Teresa Aguinaga won second place in Robotics.
The Quiz Bowl team also won second place, with Gracey Gatlin, Claire Mauck, Brody Roberts, and Mason Wright. The Book Battle team won second place too, with Gracey Gatlin, Claire Mauck, Samantha Ranney, and Zoey Smith. Finally, the Marketing and Communications team, with Shaylee Davis, Anna Mauck, Brody Roberts, and Lillie Whittington also won second place.
Individual awards are as follows: Keagan Cross won first place in 9th grade math and second place in drawing. Teresa Aguinaga won first place in 10th grade Spanish and second place in Speech. Garrett Coffey won third place in 10th grade social studies. Dayla Campbell won second place in poetry. Zoey Smith won third place in 9th grade psychology. Mason Wright won second place in 10th grade U.S. history. Samantha Ranney won third place in fiber arts. Denver McBride won third place in 11th grade social studies.