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Personal Profile


Liz Sullivan

S.S. Teacher/HS/JH Acadmeic Coac

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Contact Info:


Class Room Number:


About Me

Educational History:

Currently attending Southeastern Oklahoma State University for M.Ed.

Southeastern Oklahoma State University - 2013

Silo High School - 2007

Degrees and Certifications:

B.A. in Social Studies Education

Certified: Oklahoma History, American History, Government, Economics


Professional Development:

Summer 2014 - Visions of America - Institute for American Constitutional Heritage - The University of Oklahoma

Current Position:

Silo - August 2013

Currently teaching Oklahoma & World History

JH & HS Academic Coach


Family Information:

Married Hal Sullivan October 2013

Personal Information:

I have always had a natural love for History, mostly because of my dad. In my free time I like to: go antiquing, spend time with my family, read, BE OUTSIDE, cook/bake, and travel.